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woman and man holding hands, codependency treatment

Signs of Codependent Relationships and How to Find Treatment

Do you often put others’ needs above your own, even if it negatively affects your well-being? Do you struggle with setting healthy boundaries or do you rely on external validation to measure your self-worth? These could be signs of a codependent relationship, which can have a serious impact on your mental and emotional health. The good news? You are not alone, and there is help out there with treatment for codependency. Integrative Life Center is a small, licensed, and accredited

woman and man holding hands, codependency treatment

Signs of Codependent Relationships and How to Find Treatment

Do you often put others’ needs above your own, even if it negatively affects your well-being? Do you struggle with setting healthy boundaries or do you rely on external validation to measure your self-worth? These could be signs of a codependent relationship, which can have a serious impact on your mental and emotional health. The good news? You are not alone, and there is help out there with treatment for codependency. Integrative Life Center is a small, licensed, and accredited


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