Danielle Latham

Danielle Latham, LMT

Bodywork/Massage Therapy

“The learning goes both ways. I’ve gained so much from my work with ilc clients. If it were not for what they teach me, i would not be as far along in my own self-awareness journey.” – danielle latham

The body provides an entryway to the spirit. Bodyworker Danielle Latham helps ILC clients heal by identifying those points of access through massage and other approaches.

An experienced practitioner, Danielle was trained at the MountainHeart School of Bodywork in Colorado. She holds a therapeutic massage certification and is also certified in somatic mind-body therapy and neuromuscular therapy. Danielle received additional training at Atlantic University as a certified spiritual guidance mentor/holistic coach. Since Integrative Life Center opened in 2010, Danielle has been sharing her healing skills with our clients.

For individuals seeking to rebalance as a result of trauma, depression, eating disorders, and other conditions, the process of rediscovering their authentic selves can be facilitated by moving outside the mind and concentrating on the energy within the body. Harnessing that energy can help release the burden of emotional trauma. Many people suffering from addiction have lost the ability to feel, and Danielle works with them to restore the mind-body-spirit connection.