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7 Healthy Coping Skills to Deal with Difficult Emotions

group exercising as coping skills

Everyone has coping skills they learned at a young age to deal with difficult emotions. You developed them out of necessity–to protect yourself and feel better. But some ways of coping are healthier than others. For example, drinking every time you feel stressed out or sad, could be something you learned from the adults around you. […]

We Offer Help for Depression and Anxiety

man wondering about depression and anxiety

If you find that you’re struggling with a combination of depression and anxiety, or you’re battling just one of those problems, we can help you move past them. At Integrative Life Center, we know it’s important to have strong treatment and the right people on your side. You shouldn’t settle for less than that, and […]

Behavioral Health Services vs Addiction Treatment

Many individuals suffering from substance use disorders also have behavioral health issues. Behavioral health services can be tricky to find when we are trying to manage our health. When it comes to mental health, ultimately we want a trained specialist for our specific needs. Often times a primary care physician has a limited amount of education […]