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Asking Yourself Am I an Alcoholic Can be a Difficult Question

woman staring out of a window wondering am I an alcoholic

It’s hard to admit to problems, sometimes. Asking yourself, am I an alcoholic is one of those difficult questions you probably don’t want to answer. But you know it’s an important question because answering it honestly is the first step toward getting the help and support you need to break free from alcohol and start […]

The Right Treatment Options for Anxiety and Alcohol Abuse

woman resting her head on a liquor bottle experiencing anxiety and alcohol

If you have problems with anxiety and alcohol, you’re not alone. Often, we see the two issues together because people who have anxiety often turn to alcohol to help them cope. But That’s not a safe way of handling anxiety problems, and it can lead to larger issues in the future. Alcohol addiction is one […]

Alcohol and Depression

man passed out holding shot of alcohol showing alcohol and depression

Alcohol and depression are very much intertwined. When they occur together, a vicious cycle emerges that traps individuals in despair and dangerous misuse of alcohol. People who face this struggle often fear there is no way to escape the cycle. Here at the Integrative Life Center, we find a large majority of our clients struggling […]